Uprite IT Services

Cloud Services in Houston

Elevate Your Business with Cloud Solutions

Connect & Collaborate Anytime, Anywhere
Seamless Migration to the Cloud Without a Hitch
Reliable & Secure Cloud Backup Solutions
Our Cloud Grows With You

Reimagine IT in the Cloud​

Your Trusted Tech Ally: Uprite

As the business landscape evolves, adapting is key to thriving. Cloud technology offers the most secure, efficient, and cost-effective route for transitioning to a remote operational model, yet its implementation demands expertise and trust.
Cloud adoption is your gateway to safeguarding data and seamlessly integrating systems and servers with the devices and personnel utilizing them.
Uprite simplifies your cloud transition journey. Our mastery in Azure and Microsoft 365, backed by numerous successful cloud migrations, positions us as your go-to for email, data, and server cloud transitions.
Our dedicated cloud services team tailors a cloud migration strategy to fit your business’s unique requirements. Specializing in elevating small to mid-sized companies into the cloud, we empower your business to harness the full potential of cloud services.



Consult With a Cloud Expert

Schedule a call with one of our cloud technology experts today to receive your free estimate.


Secure Cloud Migration Plan

Our techs perform a thorough technology assessment of your business to create your custom Cloud Migration Plan, a plan designed to migrate and implement cloud services that meet your business needs.


Achieve More by Leveraging the Cloud ✓

Enjoy the flexibility and scalability of cloud technology with the confidence that Uprite has set your systems up securely to protect your valuable data. Our comprehensive onboarding process provides a seamless transition to the cloud free of business interruption. Uprite will be on-site the day after going live to ensure operations are running smoothly. 

At Uprite, we recognize the critical importance of securing your data in the cloud for your business's prosperity. Cloud computing stands as the most reliable method to protect your data, and we ensure it resides in the most suitable cloud environment for you.
Our experienced technicians conduct in-depth technology evaluations to craft cloud solutions that fully meet your business needs. Our offerings span cloud-hosted servers and backups, along with server and email migration services.
The Uprite cloud technology roadmap meticulously identifies every aspect of your business that can benefit from cloud adoption, facilitating smooth and straightforward migrations.
Positioned near the Texas Gulf, our team is acutely aware of the risks posed by hurricanes and natural disasters. You can have peace of mind knowing our advanced cloud backup solutions are in place to protect your data.
With our robust data backup and secure storage solutions, data loss in the wake of any disaster is no longer a concern.
Service Overview
In an era of significant growth or plans for future expansion, integrating technology services is crucial for your business's development.

Service Highlights

Whether you’re currently in the midst of some serious growth or you’re looking to grow in the next few years, technology services will play an integral role in the expansion of your business.

Cloud Migration Plan
Server Migrations
Hosted Servers
Hosted Backups
Email Migrations
24/7 Local Support


Don’t just take our word for it. Read how our clients feel about working with us.

Cloud Services FAQ

The cloud is the hardware you do not own running your processes and workloads. Moving to “the cloud” can take the form of Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS), Software-as-a-service (SaaS), or a combination of the two.

The Infrastructure-as-a-Service approach takes your current infrastructure needs and moves them to a cloud provider. An example of this approach would be to migrate your servers to Microsoft Azure or a private cloud host such as Uprite. Companies will continue with this approach for several years with their public websites.

The Software-as-a-Service approach takes your critical applications and migrates them to a cloud provider. An example of this approach is Office 365 Email services. Software-as-a-Service is a mature model for applications such as email, financial packages, and customer-relationship management software.

The cloud is used to reduce business risk and to shift the remaining risk to other entities. Hosting critical infrastructure, software, and services in a cloud reduces site and hardware dependency. It is a valuable tool in business continuity scenarios and enables remote workforces to operate with minimal disruption.

The cloud is controlled by whoever hosts your Infrastructure-as-a-Service or Software-as-a-Service products. These vendors operate under special rules and parameters to maintain the health and integrity of the system platform. Vendors that are large and well-known, such as Microsoft and Amazon, maintain cloud Infrastructure-as-a-Service.

Software-as-a-Service platforms are typically operated and controlled by the software vendor themselves, like Intuit in the case of Quickbooks Online.

The primary advantages of cloud services are:

  • Removing interdependence on company locations and their utilities
  • Standardization of workflows and business processes
  • Converting IT expenses from capital expenditures to operational expenditures

An IT infrastructure requires several utilities to remain operational, such as power, internet, and cooling. Cloud providers scale these systems to provide redundancy and lower costs to allow smaller businesses to operate information technology in a budget-friendly manner. This allows companies of any size to not be hindered by downtime and IT limitations.

Utilizing a standard platform for IT services allows businesses to standardize workflows and processes for their users, reducing complexity and enabling consistent results.

IT equipment is expensive, as are IT systems. Business Continuity: the ability to operate a business under any circumstance, and Disaster Recovery: recovering from disasters such as hurricanes, fires, and pandemics, are expensive.

Leveraging cloud services removes significant capital expenses required to provide redundancy and continuity goals for your business.

These services allow predictable budgets and are much better at controlling costs than maintaining hardware on-premises.

The three most common reasons to utilize the cloud are to:

  • Simplify IT operations
  • Provide better Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery
  • Provide stable, predictable IT budgets that provide the flexibility small businesses need to scale their operations

Any system can be hacked, including cloud services. Due to public availability, clouds are targeted more frequently than small business offices. Still, clouds are much more secure due to committed security teams and processes. Cloud environments are more strict on what is allowed in the environment due to the shared-tenancy model.

Cloud security and on-premise security are equally important. Cloud services have more methods for public accessibility, therefore, safeguarding your cloud environment via multi-factor authentication (MFA), virtual private networking (VPN), and strict passwords are just as important for cloud services as for on-premise services.

Security is a multi-faceted approach and company culture. Common methods of securing any environment, including cloud services, are multi-factor authentication (MFA), virtual private networking (VPN), and strict passwords. An underutilized component of security is user training.

A secure and knowledgeable user is your best defense for protecting your company’s data and reputation.

Cloud security is not very different from on-premise security. However, a secure cloud environment greatly benefits from additional logging and access controls due to its publicly accessible nature.

Additional access controls can take the form of ensuring that a user is logging in to systems in a realistic manner: for example, if a user logs in from Houston, Texas, at 7:55 am, that same user account is not logging in from New York City at 8:02 am.

Additional logging components provide additional user monitoring by capturing activity of this kind, from user location to failed login attempts (an indicator that a user’s password has been compromised), and atypical user access such as a sales user attempting to access the payroll component of a financial package.

  • Redundant: Uprite’s server infrastructure is highly redundant with a resilient storage backend. Our redundant power systems leverage diesel generators, and our redundant cooling systems ensure server racks never overheat. By choosing Uprite as your cloud provider, you also gain the power to choose between different internet providers and physical connections.
  • Responsive Support: With 24/7 proactive support, you can guarantee a response to any issue within fifteen minutes. We also offer local Texas on-site support.
  • Secure: Data stored in our cloud is safe from natural disasters, something physical servers cannot offer. Our team knows cybersecurity is essential, going above and beyond to protect you from malware and cyberattacks.
  • No Surprises: Thanks to our dedicated accounting team, our invoices are consolidated to streamline your experience. Enjoy consistent pricing with zero software restrictions, zero bandwidth charges, and zero overages with Uprite as your trusted cloud partner.
  • Flexible: In the cloud, your options are limitless. Our techs will perform a thorough technology assessment of your business to create your custom Cloud Migration Plan (CMP), a flexible plan designed to evolve with your business.

All servers are backed up every hour for 48 hours to ensure a quick and relevant restore point. We also provide nightly backups on a rolling 31-day basis which are customizable to meet your business needs.

FAQs Cloud Services in Houston

Cloud computing is actually a way to enjoy various cloud computing services over the internet. These services help businesses with rapid innovation, flexible resources, and economies of scale.

There are four primary cloud service offerings across various deployment models:

  1. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
  2. Platform as a Service (PaaS)
  3. Software as a Service (SaaS)
  4. Serverless Computing

These services provide Houston’s small and mid-sized businesses with the flexibility to choose the best-fitting solutions, ensuring scalability and cost-efficiency.

Uprite Services offers cloud solutions in Houston, allowing businesses to schedule a call with our cloud technology experts for a free estimate. We conduct a thorough technology assessment to create a custom Cloud Migration Plan tailored to meet your specific business needs.

Yes, Uprite is one of the most reliable cloud computing services in Houston. We have a team of experts in Azure and Microsoft 365. Thus, there are effortless cloud migrations, strong data security, and efficient cloud solutions tailored to meet your business needs.

Uprite Services offers a free estimate for cloud services migration. We 

  • Conduct a thorough assessment of your business
  • Create a custom plan
  • Ensure a secure system setup

We offer a seamless transition to the cloud, with on-site post-go-live support to ensure smooth operations. Get one of the best cloud computing Houston can ever offer.

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